About the Artists

John Duncan McLaren


I am not an artist. I aspire to be one someday, but the left side of my brain is winning the battle. Therefore, I am an engineer/wannabe artist. One of my passions is the science of pigments, and specifically how their uniqueness can lend itself to watercolor. (I first became interested in this side of watercolor after finding Bruce MacEvoy’s website, Handprint.com. Bruce has moved on to other interests, but his website lives on among avid pigmentologists like me.)

My watercolor approaches and techniques have varied over the years. In looking for a way to turn my brain more creative and less mechanical, I decided to let the pigments I loved so much lead me. They told me that they do so much more than just provide color and that each had its own personality. I am a draftsman laying out my design, and an engineer inventing ways to protect the paper and the paint. I can then be an artist with my paints – whatever pigments fit the emotion du jour. When I work in layers of equal value – the color does not matter, as long as I mix them to produce equal values throughout the layer.

I have always thought that watercolor should be a video art. It is never as inspiring as when it moves from fluid to solid on the paper. But once dry, it loses much of its bravado. Occasionally, when I’m working on an abstract work, I will get an emotion that I know true artists must experience often. But that feeling is so fleeting – like something seen out of the corner of the eye – ephemeral. However brief, it often leads to smiling, laughing, and even dancing. And it gives me enough energy to keep trying.

See more on My Blog and on my PAPA Artist Page.

Cindy McLaren

For the most part, I am a framer, and do the matting and framing work for the art that my family (John, Cindy, and Chad) creates. I like to visualize matting sizes and choices, so each piece is virtually framed before any matboards are cut. I am also involved in photography, video editing, and website development.

I began drawing as a ‘trial’ by joining other artists in Life Drawing sessions. A three-year bi-weekly stint provided a steep learning curve in drawing technique. I did not expect the outcome. Not only was I ‘drawn-in’ to drawing people, I learned what it means to ‘be’ an artist. It is spending time getting lost focusing on something and finding yourself in the end.

I have exhibited my drawings at Murray Art Guild (Murray KY), The PAPA Gallery (Paducah KY), and the Ice House Gallery (Mayfield, KY). I am proud to support them in their efforts to bring art experiences to our community, and provide opportunities for artists to show their work.

See my Featured Artist Exhibit, (pictured above), and take a glimpse of a budding artist.

See more on my PAPA Artist Page

Contact Us

Would you like to schedule a visit to our studio, request a frame quote, or inquire about a painting or commission? Please do!

Email: twodoves@teaksouls.com
Phone: 270-436-2444
Two Doves Studio, Murray KY

What is 'Teaksouls'?

John and Cindy are ”teak souls” – a word we coined to represent ourselves as we moved aboard our live-aboard sailboat loaded with teak (our dream from the start of our togetherness). Many boats have teak soles (floors), but ours had the two of us, and we both love teak, so …. there you go.


teaksouls.com began as the site of our adventures aboard “Alexandra”, our heavy double-ended home on the ocean. Those wonderful days are now great memories and our web site became new. If you are interested, find more to this story on our Adventure Blog.


Visit our Adventure Blog