“Waiting in Italy”

When dining out in Italy, we found that it’s not just about the food – it is about waiting for it. Especially on Sundays, dining out is a time to share with family and friends, and we loved to be there to just be a part of the celebration.

They say, “Good things come to those who wait”, and I will add, especially when you do your homework.

Italian menus typically list only the name of the dish (also in Italian). We translated menus, and looked up the recipes with descriptions of them from our apartment, and made a list of what to order.

The painting is done entirely in layers, with poured paint. No detailing was added.


“Waiting in Italy”

Watercolor by John McLaren
 April 2022
Framed, 13×18

click on a photo to enlarge

The PAPA Gallery Featured Artist Exhibit

July 2022

Visit the PAPA Gallery this month to purchase one, and find more paintings to love.